

Every pensioner should make a will, if only to see the arcane language and complete lack of punctuation which solicitors still insist on using.

If you have a spouse or partner, it’s customary to leave your house to them, but you can enjoy a modest chuckle from beyond the grave by bequeathing it to a fictitious family of travellers or the National Trust.

Legacies should always have conditions attached, such as marriage to a Zulu, removal of teeth or confinement to a cave for a set period, and those over £5,000 should include conditions which are virtually impossible to fulfil.

Instructions for the scattering of your ashes can also be a source of post-mortem amusement, though the more bizarre they are, the more likely it is to be taken as evidence of your mental incapacity and so make your entire will null and void.

Despite the impression given by many films, wills are not read to an assembly of relatives, so it is pointless including snide comments about distant cousins or revealing your cleaning lady to be a member of al-Qaeda.
